billboard size settings

I、Billboard Size
The conclusion is that for billboard size and design, a suitable starting point is 110cm x 110cm, which with a resolution of 200DPI is enough to meet basic needs. If the billboard is too large, it may affect your computer's processing power. During the production process, Kai Huanbi can use Photoshop (PS) for overall design, avoiding frequent conversion between Adobe Illustrator (AI) and CorelDRAW and other software, and improving efficiency.
In terms of color selection, use RGB mode when producing and convert to CMYK mode when printing. Pay attention to adjusting contrast and saturation to ensure accurate pre sentation of colors. The bleed line is to reserve the cutting edge, especially when printing on both sides, to ensure the layout is aligned, and to pre view the edge chain to ensure accurate cutting. Regarding resolution, in order to ensure clear images, try to choose high-resolution picture materials, such as a 1-meter billboard. The size of 110 cm is enough to handle the needs of bleeding lines.
Therefore, for the design and size setting of billboards, 110cm x 110cm is a practical and performance-considered choice, while paying attention to color mode conversion and bleed line processing to achieve the best printing effect .
